About Digs / Accreditation

Student accommodation in Swansea

Because of our commitment to providing the highest quality student accommodation, Digs Swansea is fully accredited with Rent Smart Wales. The accreditation scheme concentrates on the standards of knowledge and professionalism in this sector to ensure landlords keep completely up to date with all legal requirements and offer their tenants the best possible service and support.

Digs joined the original voluntary scheme. Since then, it has become a legal responsibility on all landlords. Belonging helps us as well as our tenants as it means we can keep our staff fully trained in their responsibilities to you, our tenants, and it gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you are dealing with a fully professional organisation.


Rent Smart Wales – Key facts


  • Purpose: Rent Smart Wales will replace the existing voluntary Landlord Accreditation Wales scheme, which has been operated by Cardiff Council on behalf of all local authorities in Wales.
  • Timescale: Registering Landlords and granting licenses will start from 23rd November 2015. A full year will be given before enforcement powers come in to force from Autumn 2016.
  • Registration: All private Landlords who have a rental property in Wales must register themselves and the addresses of their rental properties in Wales.
  • Licensing: Landlords who undertake defined letting or property management activities at a rental property in Wales must apply for a license. If a Landlord instructs an Agent to do such work on their behalf, it is that Agent who must become licensed.
  • Training: In order to get a license a person must be adequately trained, and also declare themselves ‘fit and proper’. Licensing training will be offered through Rent Smart Wales or people can choose to attend Rent Smart Wales approved training courses delivered by other bodies.
  • Enforcement : It is expected that enforcement will take the form of fixed penalty notices and possibly prosecutions for non-compliance.


Find Out More

If you are interested in finding out more about the scheme, and how it will benefit you as a tenant, simply follow the link on their logo or click the button below.

Landlord Accreditation Wales
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